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Somewhere movie poster (original)

Somewhere movie poster (original)

© Focus Features. License: All Rights Reserved."The crucial first


Examples of logo design using negative space

The Roxor has collected a bunch of logo designs that make good us


100 Pasir Panjang

100 Pasir Panjang

License: All Rights Reserved.CEL Development's new industrial bui


Whole Foods Market identity

Whole Foods Market identity

License: All Rights Reserved.The logo forBrightonsince Bramley, E


Viewpoint Creative redesigns Discovery Channel logo and identity

Discovery Channel turned to Boston & LA-based creative agency Vie


Tibetan Buddhism in the West

Tibetan Buddhism in the West

Source: http://info-buddhism.com.Olaf Schubert, Seseg Jigjitova,


Opinion: Why Pentagram's new Windows 8 logo is pure genius

Opinion: Why Pentagram's new Windows 8 logo is pure genius

Pentagram has unveiled a new look for the Microsoft Windows logo


French Anti-Piracy Organisation Hadopi Uses Pirated Font In Own Logo

French Anti-Piracy Organisation Hadopi Uses Pirated Font In Own Logo

It is quite rare to see topics related to typography make the mai


Foxy Brown and Jackie Brown

Foxy Brown and Jackie Brown

The main title from Jackie Brown. The small type appears to be ba


Why You've Never Heard of This Typeface That Defined the 1980s

Apple, Trapper Keeper, and Reebok: Three of the most well-known b
