subset of Manu Pro Symbol
Manu Pro Informal
Manu Pro Formal
Manu Pro Emp
Neutral Std Med
Neutral Std Reg
Ross Milne
Maria Doreuli
Alexei Kassian
Pieter van Rosmalen
Nikola Djurek
Ondrej Jób
Typotheque是一家来自荷兰的字体公司。 《查看全部》
"You Only Design Once" column in IL magazine
Source: magazine. License: All
2016-02-03 13:34:21
Universal Grotesk
Universal GroteskI remember looking at this book cover every even
2016-02-02 14:24:50
Theo Van Doesburg 和 Käte Steinitz 在 1925 年为 Merz 杂志的第 14/15 卷“Die
2016-01-05 15:39:41
Why It's So Hard to Design Arabic Typefaces
Typeface design has a western-normativity problem: for years, mos
2015-10-23 22:15:27
The Pattern Project
Basically, two things came together. First: I am fascinated by th
2015-06-18 09:53:21
What is the Good of Work?
Source: Projects. License: All
2014-11-17 17:41:11
Typotheque是一家来自荷兰的字体公司。 《查看全部》