字体家族: Jonarun
字体版本: Version 1.001
字符数: 415
字形数: 386
授权方式: 字客网标注的授权方式仅供参考请自行核实,商业使用请自行联系版权方购买商业授权。
版权信息: Copyright 2019 (originally as Chisato) by Zephram & Copyright 2019 Doug Peters of Symbiotic Design (as Jonarun). (https://fontstruct.com/fontstructors/show/1520560/) (https://www.Doug-Peters.com)
字体家族名称: Jonarun
字体子家族名称: Regular
统一字体标识: Jonarun
字体全名: Jonarun
版本: Version 1.001
PostScript名称: Jonarun
商标信息: Symbiotic Design is a Trademark of Symbiotic Design (see SymbioticDesign.com)
制造商信息: https://fontstruct.com
设计师: Doug Peters
描述: Jonarun font was derived from Chisato font by Zephram. Copyright 2019 Zephram & Doug Peters (https://www.Doug-Peters.com or https://Dougs.Work) of Symbiotic Design (https://www.SymbioticDesign.com). Jonarun (and Chisato) font was built using FontStruct. Although Zephram's work is no longer apparent here, it exists in the underlying compressed letter forms and shapes of most of the characters that inspired me to give it a twist and turn it into a monospaced with tapered (or subtly rounded) line ends. Often, strokes will have different widths in Jonarun, as well. Credit for my contribution to this work IS also greatly appreciated. PayPal donations (to encourage my continued freeware design efforts) are super-appreciated: https://paypal.me/sitedesigner Type: Condensed Monospaced Sans. I guess I would classify this one as: Casual, Tall, Tight. Weight: Regular. Web font: Yes. Commercial use: Yes! Derivatives: You betcha. Redistribution: Anywhere (with the included documentation, please). P.S.: ---- Font-Journal (Freeware fonts for designers): https://www.Font-Journal.com Heavy Duty Web Hosting: https://HDWebHosting.com Genuine Linux Apache cloud architecure web hosting solution & web servers, Free SSL for each hosted domain name. Domain Name Registration: https://www.DomainHostmaster.com (Wild West Domain Registry) https://www.Domainance.com   (Directi's 'Public Domain Registry') Fonts and Graphics Blog: https://Worthful.com Oh yeah... Zephram is a game developer and artist. I design logos, websites, graphics, promotion materials, marketing campaigns, Windows PCs, Linux video vaults, and just about anything, really (contact me). -DP
供应商网址: https://www.font-journal.com/fonts/13545/jonarun.php
设计师网址: https://www.Doug-Peters.com/
许可证描述: Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
许可证网址: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
示例文本: Five big quacking zephyrs jolt my wax bed
每em像素单位:: 4096
垂直最小值: -1280
垂直最大值: 3840
水平最小值: -128
水平最大值: 6656
Mac风格: 0
最小可读像素大小: 8
字体方向Hint: 2
升部: 3840
降部: -1280
行间距: 0
最大步进宽度: 2422
最小左跨距: -128
最小右跨距: -5735
非复合字形最大点: 125
非复合字形最大轮廓: 5
字重类型: 400
字宽类型: 5
上标水平字体大小: 2048
上标垂直字体大小: 2048
上标水平偏移: 0
上标垂直偏移: -640
下标水平字体大小: 2048
下标垂直字体大小: 2048
下标水平偏移: 0
下标垂直偏移: 2048
删除线大小: 204
删除线位置: 819
字体选择标识: 64
字体排印升部: 2816
字体排印降部: -1280
字体排印行间距: 0
Windows升部: 3840
Windows降部: 1280
斜角: 0
下划线位置: 409
下划线厚度: 204