字体家族: CF Asty
字体版本: Version 1.000
字符数: 419
字形数: 509
授权方式: 字客网标注的授权方式仅供参考请自行核实,商业使用请自行联系版权方购买商业授权。
版权信息: Copyright (c) 2013-15 by Panos Haratzopoulos. All rights reserved.
字体家族名称: CF Asty Heavy
字体子家族名称: Bold Italic
统一字体标识: 1.000;CANN;CFAsty-BlackOblique;2081;TR4-
字体全名: CFAsty-BlackOblique
版本: Version 1.000
PostScript名称: CFAsty-BlackOblique
商标信息: CF Asty is a trademark of Panos Haratzopoulos.
制造商信息: Panos Haratzopoulos
设计师: www.fonts.gr
描述: Copyright (c) 2013 by Cannibal. All rights reserved.
供应商网址: www.fonts.gr
设计师网址: www.fonts.gr
许可证描述: Cannibal EULA Users Notification Read this license carefully before using the software. You can use this software only if you agree to the following terms and conditions. By downloading and / or installing the software Cannibal Fonts you agree to the following conditions: Terms of Use If you participate in this agreement on behalf of your employer, the terms and conditions listed below apply to your employer and you, as a representative of your employer. If you stop working for this employer, you will not have the right to use the software Cannibal Fonts, but your employer w ill continue to be the license holder. 1. The software Cannibal Fonts is licensed for use at one (1) location with a maximum of five (5) computers. 2. If the number of computers on which you wish to use the Software Cannibal exceeds the number specified above, you must inform Cannibal and request an extension of the license that covers all the units or software that will use or store the Cannibal Fonts software and for which you w ill be charged extra. To determine the number of units, add all the processors, workstations, printers and other devices that use Cannibal fonts. The workstation is any computer, screen terminal, processor or any device on which Cannibal Fonts is installed, embedded or included in any way. 3. It is strictly prohibited to modify, adapt, translate, change, transform and replicate in any way the software Cannibal Fonts. 4. You may create a single backup. For the software and documents of Cannibal Fonts renting, subletting, leasing, donation or any further distribution to another person or entity is prohibited. You agree that you will not make available or distribute all or part of the Cannibal Software through any on-line service and you consent that any such intentional distribution will be considered theft of Cannibal property. 5. You agree that any derivative works created by you with the software Cannibal Fonts, including software, files EPS, or other electronic works, are considered derivative works and use of derivative work is subject to the terms and conditions of this License. Derivative works may not be subleased, sold, leased, borrowed, or given away without written permission from Cannibal. Cannibal is not responsible for the unauthorized modification and / or adaptation of the software or derivative works. 6. The software Cannibal Fonts is protected by Greek laws and international intellectual property law. You acknowledge the use of trademarks and intellectual property rights relating to the Software Cannibal according to the acceptable way of use, including the name of the owning company. The use of software and brands of Cannibal gives no right of ownership to the user. 7. Any breach of the terms of this agreement will mean termination of the contract. In the event of termination, you agree to immediately return the software Cannibal Fonts and confirm that no copies remain in your possession or your control. Any violator will be prosecuted according to Greek laws and international conventions on intellectual and industrial property
许可证网址: https://fonts.gr/licence/en/cat/3262/
首选家族名称: CF Asty
首选子家族名称: Black Oblique
每em像素单位:: 2048
垂直最小值: -784
垂直最大值: 1948
水平最小值: -557
水平最大值: 2480
Mac风格: 3
最小可读像素大小: 3
字体方向Hint: 2
升部: 1948
降部: -824
行间距: 0
最大步进宽度: 2531
最小左跨距: -557
最小右跨距: -557
非复合字形最大点: 0
非复合字形最大轮廓: 0
字重类型: 900
字宽类型: 5
上标水平字体大小: 1331
上标垂直字体大小: 1229
上标水平偏移: -33
上标垂直偏移: 154
下标水平字体大小: 1331
下标垂直字体大小: 1229
下标水平偏移: 152
下标垂直偏移: 717
删除线大小: 102
删除线位置: 635
字体选择标识: 161
字体排印升部: 1638
字体排印降部: -410
字体排印行间距: 0
Windows升部: 1948
Windows降部: 824
斜角: -786432
下划线位置: -561
下划线厚度: 102