字体家族: Abril Text
字体版本: Version 1.000
字符数: 512
字形数: 895
授权方式: 字客网标注的授权方式仅供参考请自行核实,商业使用请自行联系版权方购买商业授权。
版权信息: Copyright (c) 2011 by TypeTogether. All rights reserved.
字体家族名称: Abril Text
字体子家族名称: Italic
统一字体标识: 1.000;TT;AbrilText-Italic;2011;TR4-
字体全名: Abril Text Italic
版本: Version 1.000
PostScript名称: AbrilText-Italic
商标信息: Abril Text is a trademark of TypeTogether.
制造商信息: TypeTogether
设计师: Veronika Burian, JosŽ Scaglione
描述: Copyright (c) 2011 by TypeTogether. All rights reserved.
供应商网址: www.type-together.com
设计师网址: www.type-together.com
许可证描述: IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: This end user License Agreement (hereinafter, "EULA," "License," "Agreement" or "License Agreement") is a legal agreement between you and TypeTogether for the product, designs and software that accompany this Agreement, and is also applicable to any media, printed materials, electronic documentation, updates add-ons, web services and any other material that may be associated with the product now or in the future. By downloading the Font Software or opening the package, installing, copying, accessing or otherwise using the Font Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not purchase this License, download, install, access or use the Font Software. If you have purchased a License to use the Font Software in a sealed retail package and do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, return it unopened to the place of purchase for a full refund. 1. Upon payment in full, TypeTogether grants you a non-exclusive, terminable License to use the Font Software ("Font[s]") and the designs embodied therein together with any accompanying documentation, each in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This License allows use of the Font Software with not more than five (5) Users at one (1) geographic location. Use of the Font Software on a portable computer is permitted provided that the portable computer is owned by a licensed User and is not used in excess of the Users licensed under this Agreement. If you purchase a License to use the Font Software with more than 5 Users, you may install the Font Software on the computers of the number of Users and geographic locations identified in the Order Receipt which is returned to you by email. Use of the Font Software at more than one geographic location requires the purchase of a License Upgrade. If at any time your use of the Font Software exceeds that permitted in the applicable License, you agree to immediately notify TypeTogether and purchase the appropriate License Upgrade. TypeTogether reserves the right to determine the terms, conditions and pricing for any License Upgrades. 2. One Back-up. You are permitted to make one (1) back-up copy of the Font Software for archival purposes only. Unauthorized sharing, lending, renting, sale, or other unauthorized use or misuse of the original Font Software and/or the back-up copy is a material breach of this Agreement and will result in immediate cancellation of this License. For example only, you are not permitted to alter the Font Software in any way, such as by decompiling, reverse engineering, disassembling, modification, or altering or changing the Font Software or any associated embedding bits or convert the Font Software for use as a webfont without prior written notice to and the express permission of TypeTogether. 3. TypeTogether retains all right and title to the Font Software, the trademarks, copyrights and the designs embodied in the Font Software. You agree not to copy the Font Software or create derivative works based upon the Font Software and/or the design of the Font. You are permitted to use the Font Software in the creation of Logos. You hereby agree that this term is contractual in nature and that the unauthorized use of the design of the Font and/or the Font Software shall be an infringement of TypeTogetherÕs rights. 4. You are permitted to make a temporary copy of the Font Software for use by a commercial printer or service bureau solely for use in the production of your own materials. You are permitted to include a temporary copy the Font Software with a document solely for the purposes of your facilitating your personal printing and/or viewing of the document. 1. If you are a design consultancy, advertising agency, or purchasing this License for use by or on behalf of such an organization, the ultimate end user must also purchase a License for the intended use of the Font Software. Specifically, if your client will need copies of the Font Software, your client must also purchase a License. This license does not permit the temporary use of the Font Software by temporary employees, freelancers or independent contractors in excess of the number of Authorized Users. Specifically, you may not make additional temporary copies of the Font Software for temporary uses. 1. Use of the TypeTogether Font Software in any of the following manners, among others without limitation, and/or applications is NOT permitted without first obtaining the appropriate License Upgrade: a) ALPHABET OR LETTERFORM-RELATED PRODUCTS FOR RESALE, OR LETTERFORM CREATION PRODUCTS OR DEVICES; b) EMBEDDING IN ELECTRONIC DEVICES; ELECTRONIC BOOKS, ALL GAMING USES AND/OR DEVICESÕ c) EMBEDDING IN SOFTWARE; d) STORING, CACHING, SERVING OR OTHERWISE PROVIDING ACCESS TO THE FONT SOFTWARE TO THIRD PARTIES VIA THE INTERNET FOR USE OR DISPLAY ON THE INTERNET, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE FORMAT OR TECHNOLOGY USED; e) IN FOR THEATRICAL RELEASE FILM, TELEVISION OR BROADCAST VIA CABLE TELEVISION OR ON THE INTERNET. You are permitted to animate the Font Software using Flash animation in Flash type films; f) USE OF ÒDINGBATS,Ó OR IMAGES IN OR FORMING A PART OF THE USE OF THE FONT SOFTWARE ON GOODS FOR SALE SUCH AS T-SHIRTS, MUGS, ON DEMAND STATIONARY PRODUCTS etc.; g) USE OF ANY ILLUSTRATIONS EMBODIED IN THE FONT SOFTWARE ON PRODUCTS FOR SALE; and h) INSTALLATION OF THE FONT SOFTWARE ON A SERVER FOR SERVING TO USERS. 7. PDF and Other Forms of Embedding or Internet transmission is restricted. You are permitted to embed the Font Software in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) documents, solely for the purposes of presenting information and designs to others or for sending designs to a service bureau or printer for output or other preparation for production. You hereby agree that the Font Software shall be SUBSET when embedded and the PDF document shall be set as NON-EDITABLE. If you are not sure how to subset and create non-editable PDFs, contact Adobe or TypeTogether. The creation of more than 500 individual PDF documents requires the purchase of a License Upgrade, which may or may not be granted. You are not permitted to embed the entire character set or substantially all of the character set comprising any Font that is subject to this License. Use of Font Software in PDF documents for sale or products utilizing other forms of embedding of the Font Software for sale (for example as part of a commercial product such as a design template or an electronic book or use with a mobile device) requires the purchase of a License Upgrade. Embedding the Font Software in Web pages is permitted provided you use reasonable measures to ensure that the Font Software cannot be extracted. You may use of the Font Software with web font technologies other than @fontÑface, slFR, Cuf—n or Typeface.js technologies. You are not permitted to use the Font Software in connection with embedded font objects or by any other means that embed the Font Software for the purposes of displaying the Fonts on the Internet or on wireless Web browsers except where the use is in Flash-type animations. If you wish to use the Font Software for such purposes, you must purchase a License Upgrade. You are permitted to use the Fonts to make GIF, JPEG, and PNG pixel-based images for use on the Internet provided that the image creation is not automated, the images are made personally by a Licensed User, and that no embedding or other transmission of the Font Software is made possible. 8. In the event you identify the Font Designs used on your products or work product, you hereby agree to identify the Font Software by trademark and the owner of the trademark in any such credits. All use of the trademark associated with the Font Software inures solely to the benefit of the trademark owner. No ownership right is granted by this License Agreement. TypeTogether reserves all rights. 9. You are permitted to transfer this License to use the Font Software one (1) time only and only to another end user. Under no circumstances are you permitted to purchase a License to use the Font Softw
许可证网址: http://www.type-together.com/resources/eula/TT-EULA.pdf
每em像素单位:: 1000
垂直最小值: -278
垂直最大值: 1080
水平最小值: -241
水平最大值: 1975
Mac风格: 2
最小可读像素大小: 3
字体方向Hint: 2
升部: 840
降部: -280
行间距: 0
最大步进宽度: 2034
最小左跨距: -241
最小右跨距: -240
非复合字形最大点: 156
非复合字形最大轮廓: 9
字重类型: 400
字宽类型: 5
上标水平字体大小: 700
上标垂直字体大小: 650
上标水平偏移: 0
上标垂直偏移: 140
下标水平字体大小: 700
下标垂直字体大小: 650
下标水平偏移: 0
下标垂直偏移: 477
删除线大小: 50
删除线位置: 250
字体选择标识: 129
字体排印升部: 780
字体排印降部: -220
字体排印行间距: 120
Windows升部: 840
Windows降部: 280
斜角: -622592
下划线位置: -80
下划线厚度: 45