许可证描述: |
By installing this font you agree to the terms and conditions of the Artist fonts End User License Agreement (EULA). This font remains the property of Artistfonts.com. You are licensed to use the font as described in this agreement and not for ownership of this font or this font file. This is a contract between you and Artistfonts.com. This license is non-transferable. If you do not agree to these terms you may not use this font. Your license agreement allows you to use this font at only one location. This font may be installed in up to four computers at that location. Computers with this font may not be moved from that location, except for repair. This font must be removed from any computer that is taken out of service, traded, sold or given to another party. You are not permitted to alter this font in any manner. This includes, but is not limited to renaming the font, altering, manipulating or rearranging the characters in any way. Redistribution is prohibited, incuding, but not limited to reselling and or trading. Artistfonts and this font file amy not be shared or passed around among persons or groups for any reason. Artistfonts, and this font used within word or any design program must be converted to paths, curves, lines or outlines before such program files are passed to others, such as printers, web designers, printers, etc. You may modify the letters or rename this font to create a new font. You may alter the letters when used in a design. You may use this font for personal, non-profit or commercial purposes. |