字体家族: | Maus |
字体风格: | |
字体版本: | I |
书体类型: | |
字符数: | 269 |
字形数: | 239 |
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区块: | |
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授权方式: | |
字体嵌入许可: | |
字体公司: | |
字体设计师: |
版权信息: | Copyright (c) James Arboghast/Sentinel Type, 2002. All rights reserved. Please distribute this font. This font is free but the font data & design are copyrighted. Font data is protected by law. You may use it free of charge for any personal use; for commercial use you must purchase a commercial license from www.myfonts.com You may upload this free version to archive sites & include it in CD ROM collections, but you may not charge money for it, modify, rename or claim it as your own work. |
字体家族名称: | Maus |
字体子家族名称: | Regular |
统一字体标识: | JamesArboghast/SentinelType: Maus: 2003 |
字体全名: | Maus |
版本: | I |
PostScript名称: | Maus |
商标信息: | Maus is a trademark of James Arboghast/Sentinel Type. |
设计师: | James Arboghast |
供应商网址: | http://www.myfonts.com/ |
设计师网址: | http://www.myfonts.com/designers/arboghast/ |
首选家族名称: | Maus |
全兼容: | Maus |
每em像素单位:: | 2048 |
垂直最小值: | -647 |
垂直最大值: | 1930 |
水平最小值: | 0 |
水平最大值: | 2238 |
Mac风格: | 0 |
最小可读像素大小: | 8 |
字体方向Hint: | 2 |
升部: | 1930 |
降部: | -647 |
行间距: | 49 |
最大步进宽度: | 2318 |
最小左跨距: | 0 |
最小右跨距: | 0 |
非复合字形最大点: | 121 |
非复合字形最大轮廓: | 8 |
字重类型: | 400 |
字宽类型: | 5 |
上标水平字体大小: | 1351 |
上标垂直字体大小: | 1228 |
上标水平偏移: | 0 |
上标垂直偏移: | -434 |
下标水平字体大小: | 1351 |
下标垂直字体大小: | 1228 |
下标水平偏移: | 0 |
下标垂直偏移: | 577 |
删除线大小: | 102 |
删除线位置: | 512 |
字体选择标识: | 0 |
字体排印升部: | 1496 |
字体排印降部: | -197 |
字体排印行间距: | 96 |
Windows升部: | 1930 |
Windows降部: | 647 |
斜角: | 0 |
下划线位置: | -430 |
下划线厚度: | 80 |