版权信息: |
Copyright 2014-2018, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Modification or redistribution of this file requires prior written permission from Amazon.com, Inc. |
字体家族名称: |
Amazon Ember Display Cd Heavy |
字体子家族名称: |
Regular |
统一字体标识: |
2.000;DAMA;AmazonEmberDisplayCd-Heavy |
字体全名: |
Amazon Ember Display Cd Heavy |
版本: |
Version 2.000 |
PostScript名称: |
AmazonEmberDisplayCd-Heavy |
商标信息: |
Amazon, Amazon.com, and Amazon Ember are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. |
首选家族名称: |
Amazon Ember Display Cd |
首选子家族名称: |
Heavy |
版权信息: |
Copyright 2014-2018, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Modification or redistribution of this file requires prior written permission from Amazon.com, Inc. |
字体家族名称: |
Amazon Ember Display Cd Heavy |
字体子家族名称: |
Regular |
统一字体标识: |
2.000;DAMA;AmazonEmberDisplayCd-Heavy |
字体全名: |
Amazon Ember Display Cd Heavy |
版本: |
Version 2.000 |
PostScript名称: |
AmazonEmberDisplayCd-Heavy |
商标信息: |
Amazon, Amazon.com, and Amazon Ember are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. |
首选家族名称: |
Amazon Ember Display Cd |
首选子家族名称: |
Heavy |