字体家族: OfficinaSerifITCW05-Bold
字体版本: Version 2.00
字符数: 995
字形数: 946
授权方式: 字客网标注的授权方式仅供参考请自行核实,商业使用请自行联系版权方购买商业授权。
版权信息: Copyright © 1994, ParaType, Inc., ParaType Ltd. All rights reserved. ITC Officina Serif is a registered trade mark of International Typeface Corporation.
字体家族名称: OfficinaSerifITCW05-Bold
字体子家族名称: Regular
统一字体标识: ParaType Ltd:OfficinaSerifITC W05 Bold:1994
字体全名: OfficinaSerifITC W05 Bold
版本: Version 2.00
PostScript名称: OfficinaSerifITCW05-Bold
商标信息: This software is a property of ParaType, Inc. ITC Officina Serif is a registered trade mark of International Typeface Corporation
制造商信息: ParaType Ltd
设计师: Erik Spiekermann, Just van Rossum, Ole Schaefer, Tagir Safayev, Isabella Chaeva, Panos Haratzopoulos
描述: ITC Officina Serif was designed for the International Typeface Corporation in 1990 by Erik Spiekermann and Just van Rossum. In fact it's a stepping stone from a typewriter type to a traditional typographic design. The robust letter construction and even character widths make this face ideal for office correspondence. Legible in small sizes, it also withstands the degradations of low resolution printers, photocopying and telefaxing. Additional styles and small caps developed in 1998 by Ole Schaefer. Cyrillic version was developed in ParaType (ParaGraph) in 1994 by Tagir Safayev. Additional Cyrillic styles and small caps developed for ParaType in 2001 by Isabella Chaeva. Greek design was developed by Panos Haratzopoulos from Cannibal Fonts in 2000.
供应商网址: http://www.paratype.com
设计师网址: http://www.paratype.com/help/designers/
许可证描述: http://www.paratype.com/eula
许可证网址: http://www.paratype.com/eula
每em像素单位:: 1000
垂直最小值: -263
垂直最大值: 1000
水平最小值: -427
水平最大值: 1137
Mac风格: 0
最小可读像素大小: 8
字体方向Hint: 2
升部: 1000
降部: -263
行间距: 0
最大步进宽度: 1189
最小左跨距: -427
最小右跨距: -51
非复合字形最大点: 177
非复合字形最大轮廓: 7
字重类型: 700
字宽类型: 5
上标水平字体大小: 650
上标垂直字体大小: 600
上标水平偏移: 0
上标垂直偏移: 75
下标水平字体大小: 650
下标垂直字体大小: 600
下标水平偏移: 0
下标垂直偏移: 350
删除线大小: 50
删除线位置: 250
字体选择标识: 320
字体排印升部: 1000
字体排印降部: -263
字体排印行间距: 0
Windows升部: 1000
Windows降部: 263
斜角: 0
下划线位置: -150
下划线厚度: 50