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Greetings, font fans!
I hope you like this font - many hours have gone into creating it and many more into improving it. Just like all of my fonts it's hand-made (and not traced) inside the font editor and triple (well, actually more) checked for any unnecessary points or wrong curves. When you get a font by Joiro Hatagaya you can expect quality - on screen and on paper. Hey, maybe I should make that a slogan? ;)
If you really like this font and would like to see more clipart, improved geometry and other improvements in this font and make me happy as well there is a way... One problem while creating this font was extreme lack of any material. I managed to get some pictures from the Internet, but those were low-res and not really too high quality. If you could send me any ALIENS related articles I would be extremely grateful and also have some nice examples for the font. It would be great if someone could send me any of the soundtrack CDs - music is great for inspiration and somehow boosts productivity. If you think that I'm just a greedy bastard trying to get stuff for free don't send anything - nobody is forcing you. But I just hope that a system based on gratitude instead of paying for something can work. You can get my address by sending me an e-mail.
PS. Despite what some people say Weyland Yutani logo can be seen in the standard edition of ALIENS, but only for about 1/5 of a second. We recently had ALIENS on TV and I was sitting there with my sketchboard (but unfortunately missed the title) and watching closely for any logos to put in the font and then I saw the WY one - it was on one of the walls. I sketched it right away and now it's here in the font. Enjoy! |