At a Glance: What Apple Watch Means for Typography
By Danielle ReidApple's mobile screens have been steadily increas
2014-10-10 08:15:47
Colvert, Achieving Harmony Through Diversity
Earlier this year the French TDC2, Letter.2, Granshan) and were e
2013-03-19 07:51:21
Hidden Gems From OurType
One topic I touched upon in my presentation about Trajan in Movie
2011-05-25 18:21:21
Erik Spiekermann: The Face of Type
From March 23 to June 6, 2011, the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin will
2011-03-14 16:16:54
UTF-8(8 位元 Universal Character Set/Unicode Transformation Format)是针对Unicode 的一种可变长度字符编码。它可以用来表示 Unicode 标准中的任何字符,而且其编码中的第一个字节
2008-03-13 07:53:49