Harry P字体家族系列主要提供Regular等字体风格样式。
薛晓岚:Chineasy 和汉字的故事
Chineasy 是一个共享网络的方式,提供一种有趣的方式让世界上的大众去认识中国的汉字。这个项目由薛晓岚(ShaoLan Hsu
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21st Annual Fonts Festival : Videos of type, typography, lettering and more
After about a decade of fonts festivals--once YouTube became main
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Seb lester 是 Instagram 上一位很有名的设计师,擅长手写各种商业 Logo 和超美的字体。这位能用笔随意写出各
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26 Famous (And Free) Fonts You'll Want To Start Using Immediately
The (free!) typefaces below may not have a place in many graphic
2014-08-22 03:51:02
Remembering Mike Parker
Mike Parker passed away earlier this week. For decades, Mike was
2014-02-25 14:25:28
20 个漂亮免费的卡通字体
ACME Secret AgentBurritoWalterAngry Bird
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可免费下载的 30 个电影字体
007 Golden EyeBlade RunnerAVP PredatorBr
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ScreenFonts: J. Edgar, Immortals, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Hugo, The Muppets
ScreenFonts is now enjoying a parallel career on stage. After bri
2011-12-16 15:46:17
Harry P字体家族系列主要提供Regular等字体风格样式。