微软补丁导致一些OTF字体不能使用 微软悄然发布KB2753842修正
12月份早些时候,作为当月"Patch Tuesday"(星期二补丁)的一部分,微软为其软件产品发布了一系列的安全更新。然而,这些
2016-04-07 15:30:03
The Googleplex Is Already Sporting the New Logo
Google just got a custom Sans facelift Tuesday and the font is al
2015-09-03 01:10:54
Keynote Speaker Announced for IUC 39
Babel Rousers: The 900 Year Quest to Build a Better LanguageArika
2015-08-20 02:07:33
From Form Bring The Fun Fair To Reasons To Be Creative
Yesterday another edition of Tuesday night's Inspired session wit
2014-09-05 06:35:47
Hans Eduard Meier Passes Away At Age 91
Like I mentioned in my announcement of the TDC Medal 2014 for con
2014-08-12 01:08:24
TDC Medal 2014 Awarded to David Berlow
Last week was a week of both celebration and sadness in the type
2014-07-25 20:42:06
Wolverine Post Card Club postcard
Source: https://www.flickr.com.Image via Jordan Smith. License: A
2014-04-18 12:53:38