Felicia字体家族系列主要提供Regular,Italic,Bold Italic,Bold等字体风格样式。
Forager, A Subjective Guide To Miami's Edible Plants
License: All Rights Reserved.Forager, designed by Topos Graphics
2014-09-23 05:15:10
历代对罗马字型的模数化重构尝试。(来源:Jacques André)从罗马图拉真柱石碑上手工雕刻的字母,到用几何方法丈量出的字形;
2013-08-26 22:31:06
ScreenFonts: Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, Colombiana
I am stuck. My research on two decades of Trajan in movie posters
2011-09-15 04:08:46
ATypI'08 | Nick Shinn Unveils his Scotch Modern
Nick Shinn's presentation at ATypI'08 | The Old and The New was o
2008-10-17 21:48:42
Felicia字体家族系列主要提供Regular,Italic,Bold Italic,Bold等字体风格样式。