Two More TYPO Berlin "Sustain" Talks Online

新闻|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2012-05-24 17:13:02

videos of no less than five presentations had already been released, and this Monday another two were added to the TYPO Video Portal. Publisher Lars Müller defended the thesis that, being the memory of thoughts and knowledge, the book is in and of itself sustainable. Together with the content, its design bears witness to the times. And using a culinary analogy of how the exact same ingredients can produce two very different regional dishes, Lupi Asensio and Martin Lorenz of showed some of their recent projects, explaining how the process influenced the outcome.

Lars Müller| The Book – Sustainable avant la lettre

Martin Lorenz & Lupi Asensio| It's all about the process, or

How to make a tortilla de patata / Wie macht man ein Kartoffelomlette?

Reviews of many of the presentations can be found on the TYPO Berlin Blog.