Five TYPO Berlin "Sustain" Talks Online

新闻|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2012-05-19 18:55:30

TYPO Berlin "Sustain" is not over yet and already the first presentations are being made available in their entirety on the TYPO Video Portal. Yesterday the talks by Bernd Kolb (D), Daniel van der Velden (E) and Kirsten Dietz (D) were published, and today two of the very best presentations (in my opinion) were released for your viewing pleasure: Nat Hunter (E) and Matthew Butterick (E). Ditch that fake Hollywood crap tonight and get inspired and motivated. But before you do that, join us in 15 minutes for the livestream of the slightly fantabulous Jessica Hische.


Bernd Kolb| Opportunities resulting from consequent thinking and acting


Daniel van der Velden| Memes, Jokes, and Jesters –

Political Design In An Age Of Turmoil


Kirsten Dietz| The future belongs to the brave.

Seven hypotheses concerning sustainably successful design


Nat Hunter| How did that happen?


Matthew Butterick| Reversing the Tide of Declining Expectations




Jessica Hische

Jessica Hische