SIKA fra Eydehavn 1912–2012

新闻|Fonts in Use|Alexander Fjelldal 2012-04-27 03:00:21

Source: Petter Lehne/ License: All Rights Reserved. Artwork by Alexander Fjelldal.

Since 1912, the smelting plant in Eydehavn has produced silicium carbide (the sand on your sandpaper) for a world wide market.

The intent of the book is to to give insight to the relationships between the smelting plants, the workers and the local community. Use of large, often full-bleed portraits brings the reader close to the people woking at and living with the smelting plant.

Typography, grid system and color are inspired by the industrial surroundings.

What makes the smelting plant interesting from a designer's point of view, are the extreme contrasts. The use of size contrast in the typography reflects the extreme size differences found at the plant. The buildings and machines are colossal, while the products are shipped as fine ground sand and dust.

The book is named Sika after the the short name for silicium carbide.

Photography by Sondre Holvik and Jan Petter Lehne.

Source: Petter Lehne/ License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Petter Lehne/ License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Petter Lehne/ License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Petter Lehne/ License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Petter Lehne/ License: All Rights Reserved.