Digital Activism Against SOPA and ACTA in Motion Graphics

新闻|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2012-02-21 22:29:25

Activism has come a long way. Thanks to easier and cheaper production methods, pamphlets now have the potential to become well-scripted and professional-looking motion typography pieces. The only limits are the creativity and available time of the people creating them. Often using only type and icons, these moving information graphics manage to visualise rather complex concepts and make them easier to understand. And digital communication channels allow these mini-movies to enjoy viral spread. Here are for example two videos aimed at informing the general audience about the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (The FontFeed.

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

I couldn't really find any real information on the SOPA video, so all I'll say is it uses Avenir as the main typeface.

ACTA from Morgan Dirven on Vimeo.

Design-wise I very much prefer the visually more sophisticated and coherent ACTA video. It was animated by Morgan Dupuy during a one-month internship at graphic and motion designer Benoît Musereau's studio. Musereau directed it working from a script by La Quadrature du Net, the advocacy group defending the rights and freedoms of citizens on the Internet. Designed by Marion Leblanc and voiced by Axel Simon, the video features music by Mawashi. The video makes very good use of the many weights and widths ofGiza, David Berlow's non-bracketed slab serif, with Neue Helvetica as supporting typeface. Stylised rough brush script Reporter No.2 makes a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo appearance in speech balloons.



