Citroën Créative Awards winner creates a personalised hatchback

活动|Digital Arts| 2010-10-22 12:59:34

Italian artist Flavio Melchiorre has won the First Prize at the Citroën Créative Awards. The competition saw artists and designers vieing to create a personalised version of Citroën's DS3 hatchback, which will be launched next year as a commercially available version of the car.

The brief was tocreate an original graphic that can be applied to the Citroën DS3 dashboard and roof, with the entrant being asked to 'respect the values of the DS3 (audacity, dynamism, optimism, personalisation)'; consider the project's international dimension and create something that would work in many different countries; and create something that could be easily applied to straight-off-the-production line cars.

We caught up with Flavio to find out more.

DA:What's your background?

FM:"My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best creative designer I can. I attended the UED (European University of Design) in Pescara (Italy) between 1997 until 1999. Since then, I have been working as graphic designer for different companies, developing projects for international brands like Miss Sixty Group and Fiba. In 2008 i've founded my own studio, Idro51 Creative Design.

"After 10 years of experience in typography, advertising and fashion, I've developed my personal style. I find inspiration in my own life experiences, in people I met and places I visited. i bring my art to life by combining free-hand drawings with chromatic and iconographic effects."

DA:What prompted you to enter the competition?

FM:"The chance to express my art through an international brand like Citroën and compete with artists from all over the world. I'm a guy who love challenges, who loves putting himself to the test.

"That i could share my work with a greather audience is what convinced me to participate."

DA:Describe the concept for your artwork and how you developed this?

FM:"I specifically constructed my artwork for the DS3. It describes the Citroën's world. Starting from its logo--which is hidden in it--i developed a complex pattern that express its brand identity using the gold colour to express luxury."

DA:How will the cars with your designs be made available?

FM:"My artwork will be launched in 2011 along with other new DS3 personalisation options. I don't know in which countries it will be available--if it were up to me, it would be all over the world!"

Here's how the artwork is applied.