What's new in web type for 2016?

新闻|Creative Bloq|Jeremiah Shoaf 2016-04-26 05:14:14

Whether you're wanting to learn how to start a blog or simply in need of a little web design inspiration, it's vital to keep up-to-date with the ever-cahnging faces of the web. Here are three trends in type that I've been noticing lately and that I expect to see more of throughout 2016:

Heavy serifs

Heavy, high-contrast serifs such as Noe Display will continue to become more popular

Heavy, high-contrast serifs such as Noe Display will continue to become more and more popular, as high-density displays are better able to render the fine lines of serifs like these.

Playful sans-serifs

Quirky, geometric sans-serifs such as GT Walsheim are trendy at the moment

Quirky, geometric sans-serifs such as GT Walsheim are trendy at the moment. This style of typeface takes the geometric model of Futura and adds a few playful touches, creating warmth.

Type diversity

Expect to see a more diverse use of type on the web in 2016

I think we'll see a more diverse use of type on the web in 2016. People are sick of seeing the same small handful of typefaces used everywhere. Typewolf is a great place to discover new typefaces from indie foundries.