Carte à puce exhibition

新闻|Fonts in Use|Florian Hardwig 2016-01-21 02:25:06

Production Type. License: All Rights Reserved.

Carte à puce ("Smartcard") was an exhibition at the Musée des arts et métiers, Paris:

Invented in the mid-1970s, industrialised in the mid-1980s and widely used from the 1990s onwards, the smartcard has changed our daily lives and gradually become a ubiquitous object.

It has changed our ways of paying by incorporating an electronic component into pre-existing payment cards, and our ways of communicating by enabling the deployment of the mobile phone, now used by billions of people.

Although a complex object to produce due to the many different technologies it comprises, in 2015 8.8 billion cards were produced worldwide!

Production Type. License: All Rights Reserved.

Production Type. License: All Rights Reserved.

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