The Cancer Atlas

新闻|Fonts in Use|Lizania Cruz 2015-06-23 12:15:34

License: All Rights Reserved.

The 136-page book is comprised of nearly 100 insets and 44 choropleth-coded maps illustrating global data. The visual voice was inspired by academic quarterly publications; sophisticated but digestible, with a color palette inspired by tissue and cell photography. Circles are used as a consistent throughline, to represent the cellular and global levels that cancer strikes.

Visual hierarchy allows skimming and browsing, while details invite careful reading. The left column is used as a brief summary of the chapter; numbered indicators in the body copy point readers to the insets for the deeper story.

License: All Rights Reserved.

License: All Rights Reserved.

License: All Rights Reserved.

License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Lizania Cruz. License: All Rights Reserved. Artwork by Lizania Cruz.