Hardcore: Prepress Tattoo

新闻|The FontFeed|Jürgen Siebert 2009-10-08 15:10:08

Long time Adobe InDesign product manager Will Eisley is so dedicated to his job that it has gotten under his skin – quite literally. Will recently had his initials tattooed on his inner forearms, together with the registration marks, crop marks, and colour and grayscale bars which are part of InDesign's printing marks. The next ink he has planned are "a series of 3's in ITC Franklin Gothic Heavy. One of the best 3's in all of typography, IMO".

People tattooing their favourite brands or products on their bodies is not a new phenomenon – Nivas developer Daemon had the Adobe logo tattooed on the inside of his left wrist. Nor are typographic tattoos; art director, designer, writer, photographer and professor (at The City College of New York) Ina Saltz was the first to devote an entire book to this phenomenon. Body Type: Intimate Messages Etched in Flesh explores the ideas and emotions behind this indelible commitment. From Shakespeare to Radiohead, from Dante to James Joyce, from celebrations of love to homage and memorial, the wide breadth of messages captured provides insight into the human condition. The book – which has been called inspiring, shocking, and voyeuristic – is recommended reading and viewing, not only for tattoo aficionados, but also for all lovers of the written word.

(via the blog of John Nack, Adobe Photoshop product manager)

