Unicode 7.0.0 Beta

标准|The Unicode Blog|Unicode, Inc. 2014-02-21 04:42:11

The next version of the Unicode Standard will be Version 7.0.0. The beta information page for Unicode 7.0.0 is located at: http://www.unicode.org/versions/beta-7.0.0.html

This version is planned for release in July 2014. A beta version of the 7.0.0 Unicode Character Database files is also available for public comment. We strongly encourage implementers to download these files and test them with their programs, well before the end of the beta period, April 28, 2014. These files are located in:



For detailed information and guidance on how to focus your review, see the section Notable Issues for Beta Testers on the beta page.

The Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) will be released in parallel with Unicode 7.0.0, and a beta version of the UCA is available at http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCA/7.0.0/. See alsoPRI #260.