Den Blå Planet

新闻|Fonts in Use|Florian Hardwig 2013-04-06 08:05:54

Source: Blå Planet. License: All Rights Reserved.

Den Blå Planet (The Blue Planet) is Denmark's national aquarium. It is located in Kastrup, just south of Copenhagen and opened its doors in March 2013.

We are Northern Europe's largest aquarium. With our whirling architecture and unique location we have already become a landmark for Copenhagen and the Øresund Region.

The typeface used for the blueish website isGraublau Sans. Graublau is German for "greyish blue". The pragmatic Humanist sans-serif with the jolly 'g' was designed by Georg Seifert and had its debut in 2008. The family spans seven weights which are accompanied by another three Display weights – each of them with Italics. A special feature of the fonts is their extraordinary language support, covering not only many Latin-based languages including the Central European range and Turkish, but also Cyrillic and Greek. In 2012, Graublau Sans got a seriffed companion, the similarly well-equipped Graublau Slab.

As soon as in April 2008, FDI announced Graublau Sans Web, which made it "one of the first professional webfonts specifically released for @font-face use on websites" (Ralf Herrmann). The two weights of this freely available web version are optimized for large sizes and are drawn even more condensed than the standard Display cuts. Since uses Graublau Sans at moderate sizes, it was wise to work with the better suited retail web fonts.

Source: Blå Planet. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Blå Planet. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Blå Planet. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Blå Planet. License: All Rights Reserved.