3 Little Kittens Cat Food ad

新闻|Fonts in Use|Stephen Coles 2013-01-31 15:15:58

Source: http://www.flickr.com.Scan by IAAFOTS on Flickr. License: All Rights Reserved.

An advertisement for 3 Little Kittens Cat Food appearing in the October 1954 issue of Family Circle.

The brush script in the speech balloon is hand lettering. The bold condensed face is Tempo. Only two (incomplete) digital versions exist so far from the large metal Ludlow family of the early 1930s. These are Tempo Heavy Condensed from Linotype, and Red Rooster's Tempo RR Grunge, a rough rendition based on the Medium weight.

The type at the bottom is probably Vogue, another 1930s Futura follower by Intertype. No proper digital interpretation exists.





Red Rooster

Red Rooster

