A List Apart 5.0

新闻|Fonts in Use|Patch Hofweber 2013-01-26 16:17:33

Source: http://alistapart.com.©Copyright A List Apart 2013. License: All Rights Reserved.

As Jason Santa Maria departs from A List Apart, so does his design from 2005. ALA has a bold new look and is now responsive. Although Mike Pick & Tim Murtaugh are cited as the designers, Zeldman's love forFranklinis unabashed:

[W]e set the body type in good old classic Georgia. (Our Georgia Pro and ITC Franklin are both courtesy of the wizards at Webtype. If it's wrong to be in love with two web fonts, I don't want to be right.)

Although Zeldman has been testing the pairing on his personal site, Mike & Tim struck a more appropriate tone on ALA. With Georgia Pro replacing Verdana in the body, the urge to read it later is suppressed. Franklin doubles as a bold headliner and a superb metadata face, only showing imperfections at sizes below 14px.

Source: http://alistapart.com.©Copyright A List Apart 2013. License: All Rights Reserved.